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In early July, the smart card program began as Trainees received a $250 store value card to be used on purchases while at BMT. The card replaced the old process of receiving three cash advances followed by a check.
July 320 Flt B405 321 Flt 407-408 331 Flt 453-454 323 Flt 451-452 323 Flt 451 323 Flt 475 - 476 322 Flt 457 and 458 321 Flt 431 // 321 Flt 431 Headshots 331 Flt 437 and 438 323 Flts 463 and 464 322 Flt 449 - 450 321 Flt 456 - 457
August 323 Flt 495-496 323 Flt 529-530 331 Flt 573-574 320 Flt 485-486 322 Flt 491-492 322 Flt 532 322 Flt 505-506 322 Flt 569-570 321 Flts 483 - 484 323 Flt 497-498
March 322 Flt 200 321 Flt 275-276 321 Flt 193-194 320 Honor Flt 177-178 // BDU & Shirt 331 Flt 208 321 Flt 227 - 228
September 320 Flt 537-538 320 Flt 589-590 322 Flt 545 and 546 322 Flt 549-550 Honor 323 Flt 535 320 Flt 565-566 / BDUs 320 Flt B567 323 Flt W653 - 654 323 Flt 555 - 556 320 Honor Flt 527-528
May 331 Flt 306 331 Flt 305 321 Flt 299 and 300 331 Flt 322 and 323 323 Flt 389 and 390 322 Flt 311 and 312 323 Flt 316 320 Flt 333-334 Honor Flts // 320 Flt 333-334 331 Flt 295-296 (Honor) 322 Flt 339 and 340 323 Flt 313-314
November 323 Flt 014 322 Flt 043-044 331 Flt 655 and 656 320 Flt B21 - 22 Honor 320 Flt B21 (BDUs) 321 Flt 005 - 006 322 Flt 003-004 331 Flt 015-016 / Honor