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the usaf Msgt William t. english bmt flight photo archives

The MSgt William T. English BMT Flight Photograph Archives is a concentrated effort to collect the approximately 121,000 USAF basic training photographs from the inception of the US Air Force in 1947 to the present. The collection includes photos from all bases that conducted Air Force basic training including Lackland AFB, Texas, Sampson AFB, New York, Parks AFB, California, Keesler Field, Mississippi, Amarillo and Sheppard AFB, Texas. The collection will also include Air Force basic training that was conducted overseas in Germany, the U.K., Panama and the Philippines.

See the Collection:

 1940s   1950's   1960's   1970's   1980's   1990's   2000's   2010's  2020's

Technical Training Class Photos

Current Project Information

See the Air Force Basic Training 

Videos causing a Stir... 

     These awesome videos are shown during

      Air Force Basic Training!

The Tuskegee Airmen

  Click on photo to watch!


Click on photo to watch!

Air Force: Our History, Our Foundation, Our STRENGTH. 

                      Aim High!

See More Videos on the Lackland Historian (click Here)




office of history

USAF BMT Flight Photo Project Information Line:
(210) 671-2248
DSN 473-2248

**The Current BMT Photo Contractor is "Shrapnel Media" 210.272.0294 or 210.695.4979  (

37th Training Wing Office of History & Research

2320 Carswell Ave Ste 2 (Bldg 7065)
Lackland AFB, TX 78236

Email Your Questions:

Call us: 210-671-2232

Military Aircraft Incidents 1921-1933

Check out the newest project now online (and still growing) -  This project depicts military aircraft accidents (crashes, et al..) in and around the San Antonio area from 1921 through 1933.  Once you click on a map marker, information about the incident appears, including, in many instances the actual report filed on the accident.  Hundreds of files were obtained from the Air Force Historical Research Agency and the Lackland Gateway Archives in building this project.

Learn More: 37th Training Wing History Office web page

Video Archives!

The Lackland Gateway Archives Collection has a number of videos on the Youtube Channel: "The Lackland Historian"

Check them out!

How to submit a photo

The Collection is in need of high quality scanned images of your Air Force BMT Flight Photo.  Ideally, the pictures can be sent via email to:

Photo images of pictures can be sent through the US mail system to:

2320 Carswell Ave (Bldg 7065 Room 2)
Lackland AFB  TX  78236-5155

If you have an oversized flight photograph, you can make two scans of the photo (or photocopy two halves) and send both in.  We can put them together and get them into the archives and on-line.
If you happen to be close to Lackland AFB, give us a call - we have an oversized scanner that can easily accommodate the older, larger folders.

All photos should be submitted in '.jpg' format preferably less than 2000KB (2MB).

If you can not manage the size or type of file, just send the photo -- we will work it!

Our awesome Wing Archivist has started a new video series: "Archiving with Amanda" Great information on how to preserve and digitize your old 35mm slides.

Of course, you have some old 35mm slides from your parents/grandparents... or your own :)

Click here for the episode:

Frequently asked questions

The most common questions we have been answering of late:

1. I did not see my flight photo on the site, is there a way to get a copy?
Answer: If you do not see your BMT flight photo on-line,chances are we do not have it (at least not yet). This
collection is made up of photo donations from those people who have copies of their BMT flight photos --
we are patiently awaiting everyone to send in a copyof their photo. We suggest that you continuously check the website
for your particular flight photo.

2. Do you have my Air Force record?
Answer: No. However you can check the National
Archives on-line for more information:

3. How do I submit a copy of my Air Force BMT
flight photo?

Please see the center aisle of information on this page: "How to Submit A Photo".  Copies of photos can be mailed in and digitized copies emailed.

4. I sent a copy of my flight photo in over a month
ago-- why is it not on-line yet?

Answer: We process the photos in the order they are received. Due to the overwhelming response to the project, we are behind in the processing of

newly arrived photos.  Please be patient and do not send duplicates.  We will get your photo archived as soon as possible. 

5. I have an oversized photograph - what do I do?
Answer: Please see the "How To Submit A Photo."

6. I am looking for a copy of my flight book from when I graduated. Do you have a copy?

No. Along the same lines as the flight photos, independent contractors have put those together and like the photos, the contractors have not kept copies. The only ones out there are what you and your flight mates purchased. On the bright side, many people have been donating their flight books to the collection. However, in the case of those books from Lackland, typically only one flight was featured in each book. 

7. Do we have a list of everyone who has come
through basic training?


No. I wish I did....but no. Please bear in mind that the Gateway has had nearly seven million people pass through the gates.  We are patiently waiting for the other 700K photos to arrive :)  

Where were you?

The following link shows a map of Lackland (1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010) and the locations of the Basic Military Training Squadrons.
Do you remember where your squadron was?

Where Were You? Lackland BMT Squadrons 1955-2010
We are working on the earlier years, just give us a little bit to finish them.

**If you see an error, do not panic -- just contact us and we will update:
210-671-2232  or  Thanks!!